The way we view our environment can have a great impact on the way we see ourselves and the world we live in. The Organic Cathedral is a view of the ecology that supports us, as a cathedral, perhaps the way an animal might view it's own ecological environment, with respect and understanding of the natural rhythms. The style of this painting is also in the vein of the futurist, Joseph Stella. In a way it is just a forward looking piece of art that builds on his vision but it also directly elevates the ecological elements to a level of spiritual expression, with the third eye, the spiritual eye, the all seeing eye as the altar and all the other elements gathered around just as one would see in a cathedral. The painting is composed of a series of windows that are representative of stained glass art in many gothic cathedrals depicting a story of the interaction of man and the divine. It is the story of every human being, every animate and inanimate object.
Each poster print is offered as a gift for a $ 20.00 donation to be divided between Serenity Eco-Villages Association ( S.E.V.A. ) , a not for profit association dedicated to establishing urban and rural sustainable and fertile communities both locally and internationally and any establishment that would like to participate.
Each poster print is offered as a gift for a $ 20.00 donation to be divided between Serenity Eco-Villages Association ( S.E.V.A. ) , a not for profit association dedicated to establishing urban and rural sustainable and fertile communities both locally and internationally and any establishment that would like to participate.